I passed my medical exam on November 4th. I need a class 3 certificate for the private pilot license (PPL). My doctor said that there was an average of 3 months wait on transport Canada to deliver the Class 3 certificate. This forces me to wait on the ground school enrollment till I receive it. I have heard on different pilot training forum that the reality is a bit different than the 3 months stated. Since Covid 19, TC peoples started working from home, are not as organized, and are not as staffed as they used to be. This new reality is causing several delays. I have seen students waiting on certificates since January 2020 and other horror stories.
While I was waiting, I was able to validate the negative and positive aspects of each school and this leads to the determination of the perfect fit for me. I have decided to go with Orizon Aviation School which is located at Quebec City Airport (YQB). My choice was motivated by The way my multiples questions were answered by Marie Claude Tanguay the school director and head of the flight instructors. Also, for me, the environment where I will spend the next year or so is particularly important. I need to feel that I belong. While I was visiting, I felt right at home incredibly early. The fact that they invest in a new school this year and have taken the time to plan and evaluate what was really needed makes this school seems well structured and welcoming.
Even if this school is right for me, this does not mean that the others are not interesting and the fact that it took me several hours to decide pledge to that. There are advantages and disadvantages to each school. Everything is a question of criteria and the weight that you put on each one.
If you want more details on the criteria that were on my list, do not hesitate to ask. I could elaborate on a future blog.